Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Pidgin with Cisco Webex-connect:

1. Select "Accounts" and then click "Manage Accounts".
2. Click "ADD" button.
3. Select "Protocol" as XMPP in the dropdown box.
4. "Username" as CISCO user-id.
5. "Domain" as ""
6. "Password" as your "webex password"
7. TAdeeeh....your are logged into your webex session...

Thursday, August 4, 2011


# .mutt/muttrc
macro index 'imaps://'
macro index 'imaps://'

set my_tmpsecret=`gpg -o ~/.secret/.tmp -d ~/.secret/.passwd.gpg`
set my_cpass=`awk '/Cisco:/ {print $2}' ~/.secret/.tmp`
set my_gpass=`awk '/Gmail:/ {print $2}' ~/.secret/.tmp`
set my_del=`rm -f ~/.secret/.tmp`

account-hook . 'unset imap_user imap_pass' # unset first!
account-hook 'imaps://' "set imap_user=
user1 imap_pass=$my_cpass "
account-hook 'imaps://' "set imap_user=user2 imap_pass=$my_gpass "

set certificate_file=~/.mutt_certs
#set folder={}INBOX
#set spoolfile={}INBOX
set timeout=60
#set record ="imaps:// Items"
set imap_check_subscribed
set mail_check=60
set timeout=10
set header_cache=~/.hcache
set net_inc=5
#set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F %s"

#set arrow_cursor
#set auto_tag
#set status_format=\
"[%r|%f|%b] #%M/%m=%L/%l [%nN %dD %tT] (%s.%S) %> (%P) [WM]"

#set attribution="%n(%a)@%d:" # attribution in replies

set quit=ask-yes
set menu_scroll=yes
set collapse_unread
set uncollapse_jump
set implicit_autoview
#set imap_home_namespace="INBOX"
set imap_keepalive=600 #maximum amount of time that mutt will wait before polling open IMAP connections, to prevent the server from closing.
#mailboxes !
#mailboxes =AAA-dcos-dot1x-dev
#mailboxes =blr-masala
#mailboxes =AAA-nxos-energywise-dev
#mailboxes =AAA-dc3-cts-dev
#mailboxes =AAA-nxos-aaa-dev
#mailboxes =Energywise
macro index,pager I "c\!\n" "Change to default INBOX folder"
macro index,pager D "c\=INBOX/AAA-dcos-dot1x-dev\n" "Change to AAA-dcos-dot1x-dev folder"
macro index,pager E "c\=INBOX/Energywise\n" "change to Energywise folder"
macro index,pager B "c\=INBOX/blr-masala\n" "change to blr-masala folder"
macro index,pager M "c=\t\t"
macro index ":source ~/.muttrc\n" "Reload the muttrc"
macro pager ":source ~/.muttrc\n" "Reload the muttrc"

#set postponed="=Drafts"
# Date format
set date_format = '!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %a'
set smtp_url = "smtp://"
set hostname =
set alias_file=~/.mutt-alias
source ~/.mutt-alias
set query_command= "abook --mutt-query '%s'"
macro index,pager A "abook --add-email-quiet" "add the sender address to abook"
macro index,pager ,r ":unset wait_key; set pipe_decode\n|mutt_add_reminder\n:set wait_key; unset pipe_decode\n" "record a reminder"
set autoedit
set wrap_search

set beep_new
set delete=yes # purge deleted messages without asking
set help # show the help lines
set history=20 # number of lines of history to remember
set include # always include messages when replying
set reverse_alias # attempt to look up my names for people
set nosave_empty # remove files when no messages are left
set sort=reverse-date-received # primary sorting method
#set sort=threads
#set imap_pass =`"echo -n $(pwsafe -p ACCOUNT_NAME -e -q | tail -n 1) |"
#set my_tmpsecret=`gpg -o ~/.secret/.tmp -d ~/.secret/.passwd.gpg`
#set my_cpass=`awk '/Cisco:/ {print $2}' ~/.secret/.tmp`
#set my_gpass=`awk '/Gmail:/ {print $2}' ~/.secret/.tmp`
#set my_del=`rm -f ~/.secret/.tmp`
#set imap_pass=$my_cpass
# Composing
set signature = "~/.signature" #file which contains my signature
#set postpone = ask-yes
#set postponed="=Drafts"
#set editor = 'vim +/^$ "+normal j"' # Open vim one line past first blank line
set fast_reply = yes #skip initial prompts when replying
set abort_nosubject = no
set abort_unmodified = ask-yes

#set reply_self = no # Reply to recipients, not to myself on my own msgs
set indent_string = "> "
set include = yes
set attribution = "On %d, %n wrote:"
set bounce_delivered = yes

# Forwarding
set forward_format = "Fwd: [ %s ]"
set forward_quote = yes

set mailcap_path = ~/.mutt/mailcap
auto_view text/html
auto_view application/zip
auto_view application/x-gzip
auto_view application/x-gunzip
auto_view application/pgp-signature
auto_view application/pgp
auto_view application/octet-stream
auto_view application/x-zip-compressed
auto_view application/x-arj-compressed
auto_view application/x-tar-gz
auto_view application/ms-tnef
auto_view application/msword
auto_view application/x-perl
auto_view application/x-sh
auto_view application/x-tcl
auto_view application/x-delphi-source
#auto_view text/html
auto_view text/x-vcard
#alternative_order text/enriched text/plain text/html

bind generic { top-page
bind generic } bottom-page

bind index G imap-fetch-mail

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Stay tunned for more info :-)

Stuff to figure out:
1. Email notification area in mutt.

* -- go to the last message.
= -- First message.
/ or / -- for searching in subject forward or backward.
/ -- to seach in the body.

Deleting messages:
d -- to delete current message. Messages selected for delete will be marked D.
If you have selected a message to be deleted, Mutt will skip that message when you are moving up or down between messages. If you want to access a deleted message, type the number of the message, hit < Enter > , and it will be highlighted.

$ -- the messages you have selected for deletion will be removed.


j or Down next-entry move to the next entry
k or Up previous-entry move to the previous entry
z or PageDn page-down go to the next page
Z or PageUp page-up go to the previous page
= or Home first-entry jump to the first entry
* or End last-entry jump to the last entry
q quit exit the current menu
? help list all keybindings for the current menu

^A or bol move to the start of the line
^B or backward-char move back one char
Esc B backward-word move back one word
^D or delete-char delete the char under the cursor
^E or eol move to the end of the line
^F or forward-char move forward one char
Esc F forward-word move forward one word
complete complete filename or alias
^T complete-query complete address with query
^K kill-eol delete to the end of the line
ESC d kill-eow delete to the end ot the word
^W kill-word kill the word in front of the cursor
^U kill-line delete entire line
^V quote-char quote the next typed key
history-up recall previous string from history
history-down recall next string from history
backspace kill the char in front of the cursor
Esc u upcase-word convert word to upper case
Esc l downcase-word convert word to lower case
Esc c capitalize-word capitalize the word
^G n/a abort
n/a finish editing

The Message Index:
c change to a different mailbox
ESC c change to a folder in read-only mode
C copy the current message to another mailbox
ESC C decode a message and copy it to a folder
ESC s decode a message and save it to a folder
D delete messages matching a pattern
d delete the current message
F mark as important
l show messages matching a pattern
N mark message as new
o change the current sort method
O reverse sort the mailbox
q save changes and exit
s save-message
T tag messages matching a pattern
t toggle the tag on a message
ESC t toggle tag on entire message thread
U undelete messages matching a pattern
u undelete-message
v view-attachments
x abort changes and exit
jump to the next new message
@ show the author's full e-mail address
$ save changes to mailbox
/ search
ESC / search-reverse
^L clear and redraw the screen
^T untag messages matching a pattern

Status Flag:
D -- Message is marked for deletion
d -- Message have attachment marked for deletion
K -- Contains a PGP public key
N -- Message is new.
O -- Message is old.
P -- Message is PGP encrypted
r -- Message has been replied to.
S -- Message is PGP signed, and the signature is succefully verified.
s -- message is PGP signed.
! -- message is flagged.
* -- message is tagged.

the following flags reflect who the message is addressed to:
+ message is to you and you only
T message is to you, but also to or cc'ed to others
C message is cc'ed to you
F message is from you
L message is sent to a subscribed mailing list

The Pager:
go down one line
display the next page (or next message if at the end of a message)
- go back to the previous page
n search for next match
S skip beyond quoted text
T toggle display of quoted text
? show keybindings
/ search for a regular expression (pattern)
ESC / search backwards for a regular expression
\ toggle search pattern coloring
^ jump to the top of the message
$ jump to the bottom of the message

Threaded Mode

^D delete-thread delete all messages in the current thread
^U undelete-thread undelete all messages in the current thread
^N next-thread jump to the start of the next thread
^P previous-thread jump to the start of the previous thread
^R read-thread mark the current thread as read
ESC d delete-subthread delete all messages in the current subthread
ESC u undelete-subthread undelete all messages in the current subthread
ESC n next-subthread jump to the start of the next subthread
ESC p previous-subthread jump to the start of the previous subthread
ESC r read-subthread mark the current subthread as read
ESC t tag-thread toggle the tag on the current thread
ESC v collapse-thread toggle collapse for the current thread
ESC V collapse-all toggle collapse for all threads
P parent-message jump to parent message in thread


Nice article on saving secrets and multiple IMAPservers:


Monday, August 1, 2011

Things to consider after installing Linux on your box

Here are few things which you can consider after installing linux on your box:

1. Install NTP to sync up the time.
2. Install VNC server/client.
3. Install antiword, a word document reader on terminal.
4. Install wmctrl to configure/control window manager.
5. Install Adobe flash.
6. Run a cronjob to activate updatedb to "locate" linux command.
7. VPN && Softtoken installation for remote users on a dual boot system.
8. Configure ssh login without password for remote login.
9. Install google video plugin.
10. Install pidgin for webex connect, yahoo or gtalk chat. Pidgin doesn't support Voice/video chats. Use Empathy if you need Voice && Video chats aswell.
11. Skype installation
12. Coming soon......

Stuff which are more specific to me:
1. Install eenadu font. --- create a folder .fonts @your home directory ---> Go to in the fonts section download eenadu.ttf font and copy it to the .fonts folder ---> DONE.