Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yoga Asanas

There are six yoga systems:
Hatha Yoga,
Raja(Ashtanga) Yoga,
Bhakti Yoga,
Jnana Yoga,
Kriya Yoga,
Karma Yoga


Yoga Asanas:

Vrksasana(Tree Pose)
Baddha Konasana
Ardha Navasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Adho Mukha Shvanasana
Adho Mukha Vrksasana
List to continue ...

Pranayamas: (puraka (inhale) and rechaka (exhale) )
Kapalbhati Pranayama
Jalandhara Bandha 
Bhastrika Yoga Pranayama

Muladhara Chakra (Root)
Svadisthana Chakra (Hips, Sacrum, Genitals)
Manipura Chakra (Navel, Solar Plexus)
Anahata Chakra (Heart)
Visuddha Chakra (Throat)
Ajna Chakra (Third Eye)
Sahasrara Chakra (Crown)

http://yoga-hint.com -- With videos
http://www.yogajournal.com -- Categorical description
http://www.yogapoint.com  -- Good pictorial description, with followup poses
http://lovemyyoga.com -- Good categorization of yoga asanas
http://www.myyogaonline.com -- Same as above
http://yogaandexercise.blogspot.in -- Yoga postures as per needs of human life
http://www.onlymyhealth.com -- list downs health related info
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_asanas -- List of asanas
http://generalistic.blogspot.in/2009/11/asanas-for-thyroid.html -- Good info on thyroid related asanas

http://www.yogaforums.com/forums/f16/chakras-and-corresponding-asanas-396.html -- Good info about Chakras

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Basics commands:

ftp -- To connect to the server

cd --           To reach to required directory on the server.
lcd  --         To reach to required directory on the local machine.
prompt --    Turns iteractive mode on or off so that commands on multiple files are executed without user
ascii --         To copy tex files use ascii mode.
binary --      To copy non text files like image or binaries etc use binary mode.
get --           To download file from the server.
mget  * --    To download files from the server through wild characters.
put  --          To upload file to the server.
mput * --     To upload file to the server through wild characters.
mdelete * -- To delete file from the server.
ls --             To list the files in server directory.
!ls --            To list the files in local machine directory.
pwd --         To check the present working directory on server.
!pwd --        To check the present working directory on local machine.
bye --           To quit ftp connection.
quit --           To quit ftp connection.

To check whether ftp status:
$sudo service --status-all | grep ftp
output: proftpd is stopped

To start ftp:
$sudo service proftpd start

To see the status of the ftpd
$sudo service proftpd status

To allow ftp sever connections:
$modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp 


Monday, April 23, 2012


SSH Escape Sequence:
Supported escape sequences:
~ . ----- terminate connection that got hanged
~ ^ Z -----suspend ssh --- to send the ssh-connection to background
~ #  ----- list forwarded connections
~ &  ----- background ssh (when waiting for connections to terminate)
~ ?  ----- this message
~ ~  ----- send the escape character by typing it twice
(Note that escapes are only recognized immediately after a newline.)


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Network packet flow

For a long time, I was thinking of updating the network packet flow, but couldn't get time. I came across the following excellent discussion on it. I'm copy pasting it here for(myself :-)) now. I will trim it in near future. till then please go through the nice explanation done here:



I'm assuming that WS1 and WS2 are in seperate networks based on your description.

The scenario of:

WS1 <-Ethernet-> SW1 <-Ethernet-> R1 <-Serial-> R2 <-Ethernet-> SW2 <-Ethernet-> WS2



R1 ethernet interface IP:

R2 ethernet interface IP:

WS1 has a packet of IP data destined for WS2.

The first thing WS1 does is determine if the destination of the IP packet is on the same network as itself. If it is, it checks its ARP table to determine if it already has a MAC address that corresponds with the destination IP address and puts that MAC address as the destination MAC for the outbound ethernet frame. If there is no MAC address in the local ARP table for the destination IP address, it sends an ARP request out the ethernet interface requesting 'whomever owns IP address x.x.x.x, please respond with your MAC address'.

If the destination IP address is on a different network, in this case it is, the workstation determines that the packet must be forwarded to the default gateway to be routed to the destination network.

WS1 has as the default gateway, so it verifies if it has the MAC address for that IP address in its local ARP table. If it does not, it sends an ARP request asking 'whomever owns, please respond with your MAC address', in which the router will reply with it's MAC address for it's ethernet interface.

WS1 will then put the frame on the ethernet wire with a source MAC address of itself, and a destination MAC address of the ethernet interface of R1.

SW1 will forward the frame based on it's internal MAC forwarding table to the ethernet port that R1 is connected to on the switch. The switch does not alter or strip any layer 2 MAC address information.

R1 will receive the frame on its ethernet interface and will strip off the layer 2 MAC address information and look at the destination IP address and forward/route the packet accordingly.

If a route for a network that contains the (destination IP) is in its routing table, it will forward the packet.

Let's assume that R1 has the network in its routing table and the best way to that network is through its serial interface to R2. It will then forward the packet to R2 through that serial interface.

At this point, all of the previous layer 2 information is completely stripped from the packet. The source and destination IP address are kept in tact.

R2 receives the packet (technically a layer 2 frame) on its serial interface and checks the destination IP address of the packet, which in this case is It has a directly connected ethernet interface that is associated/assigned the network that the destination IP address falls within, so it will prepare that packet to be forwarded out its ethernet interface.

The first thing that R2 does is check its local ARP table to determine if it knows what layer 2 MAC address is assigned to If it doesn't have an entry, it will send and ARP request out the ethernet interface, with which WS2 will respond with its MAC address.

Once the destination MAC address is determined for WS2, R2 will add layer 2 information to the IP packet (encapsulating) making it a layer 2 ethernet frame with the source MAC address the MAC address of the ethernet interface of R2 and the destination MAC address the MAC address of WS2. Once the ethernet frame is created, it is forwarded out R2's ethernet interface to SW2.

SW2 then checks its MAC forwarding table to determine which port the destination MAC (WS2) is associated with, and will forward that frame to the port that WS2 is connected.

WS2 then receives the frame, strips the layer 2 information off and processes the IP packet accordingly.

Sorry for such a long winded explanation. Hopefully it was of some use.

Basic rule to remember - source and destination IP address never change between the source and destination device (unless you have a NAT device in the path), but the layer 2 information can change. Layer 2 information doesn't change until the packet has to traverse a layer 3 device (router).


Mike Morris


Hi guys,

great discussion here, you brought up a question I had long time ago. Is the MAC address of the switch ever attached to any packet/frame? I never heard the author say something like this, but since there are so many MAC addresses on the switch (one/port), what are those for?

As for systemGM, here is the answer to your question:

Let's start with your example, (of one router, 2 switches, and 2 PCs).

1. PC1 want to send PC2 some data, so the data moves from Layer 7, where data was generated, down to Layer 4. Now segmentation occurs, and L4 header is placed in front of the data. This is a segment.

2. The data continues its way down and come to L3, where destination IP address (IP address of PC2) and source IP address (IP address of PC1) is put inside the L3 header, which wraps around L4 Header + data. This is packet.

3. When data reaches L2, source MAC address (PC1's MAC address) and destination MAC address (Router's MAC address) is placed in the data link header. Note that layer 2 has a FCS trailer. This is a frame.

4. The frame is translated (from human language) to bits (computer language, 0 and 1) and send out on the physical media toward the switch.

Theoretically, the frame = (L2 header (L3 header (L4 header (data) ) ) L2 trailer)

Sw1 receives the bits, translated back to the frame and read the L2 header. After reading it, Sw1 now knows this frame is destined for the router and forward the frame to the interface that is connected to the router. L2 header remains intact and the frame is again translated into bits and send out to the router.

Router now receives the bits, turn it into a frame. Router now knows the frame is for itself, and discard the frame. This is like you received a letter for you, and you open it to see the content. After L2 header and trailer are discarded, what is left is L3 header, which contains the destination IP address. After reading the destination IP address and know that the packet isn't for the router, the router then made a decision to forward the packet. Following the previous analogy, you have received a letter for you, but it's titled to your best friend; of course you would want to give it to her. This is what routers do, they receive things never intended for them, and forward the things to where they are supposed to be. It's a little pathetic if you think about it.

Okay, now the router has made a decision where to send this packet, again, it wraps it up into a frame, which now has source MAC address of the router and the destination MAC address of PC2 (remember that MAC addresses are obtain using ARP). The frame turns into bits and send to Sw2.

Sw2 receives the frame, read L2 header and matches the destination MAC address to an entry in its CAM table (equivalent to routing tables for routers). Once an entry has been found, the frame is forwarded out on corresponding interface.

PC2 now receives the frame, decapsulate it 3 times (bits -> frame -> packet -> segment) until it becomes data only and can be read by PC2's application programs.

In summary, from PC1 to router: S MAC = PC1's MAC, D MAC = router's MAC, S IP = PC1's IP, D IP = PC2's IP. From router to PC 2: S MAC = router's MAC, D MAC = PC2's MAC, S IP = PC1's IP, D IP = PC2's IP






Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Latex on Windows:
