To put back multiples files from Trash:
Open apple script editor and copy paste following code and run.
repeat 5 times --or as many files you have
tell application "Finder" to open trash --open the trash folder
tell application "Finder" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Finder"
delay 0.2 -- adjust delay as needed
key code 125 --move down to get focus on a file
key down command --hold command key
delay 0.2 -- adjust delay as needed
key code 51 --hit delete
key up command --release command
end tell
end tell
delay 0.2 -- adjust delay as needed
tell application "Finder" to close every window --close everything for the next cycle
end repeat
Flash drive/USB not recognized for macbook pro:
This method solves the issue after the drive is formatted and reconnected to the system. In order to do that, here are the steps;
1 – Press Command + Spacebar and connect the flash drive.
2 – Open Application and click on Disk Utility Option
3 – Select the Flash Drive on the left pane.
4 – Click on Erase button to complete the process
Open apple script editor and copy paste following code and run.
repeat 5 times --or as many files you have
tell application "Finder" to open trash --open the trash folder
tell application "Finder" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Finder"
delay 0.2 -- adjust delay as needed
key code 125 --move down to get focus on a file
key down command --hold command key
delay 0.2 -- adjust delay as needed
key code 51 --hit delete
key up command --release command
end tell
end tell
delay 0.2 -- adjust delay as needed
tell application "Finder" to close every window --close everything for the next cycle
end repeat
Flash drive/USB not recognized for macbook pro:
This method solves the issue after the drive is formatted and reconnected to the system. In order to do that, here are the steps;
1 – Press Command + Spacebar and connect the flash drive.
2 – Open Application and click on Disk Utility Option
3 – Select the Flash Drive on the left pane.
4 – Click on Erase button to complete the process