Monday, March 22, 2010


Pico Editor

Pico, short for Pine Composer, started life as the built-in editor for the Pine email program. Lots of people use Pico as a text editor because they also use the friendly Pine program for email.


By default, Pine automatically checks for new mail every 2.5 minutes. (You can change this time interval with the mail-check-interval option in the SETUP CONFIGURATION screen.) Some system administrators may have globally modified this interval.

When viewing the FOLDER INDEX, you can force Pine to check for new mail by pressing ^L, or if on the last item in the Index, by pressing "N". The eXpunge command will also force a new-mail check. If you would like to have some visual indication of when Pine is checking for new mail, set the enable-mail-check-cue feature and watch for an asterisk to flash in the upper-left-hand corner of the screen. (Two asterisks mean that Pine is check-pointing --saving state changes in-- your INBOX.)

jump to start of line : ctrl-a

jump to end of line : ctrl-e

page-down : ctrl-v

page-up : ctrl-y

jump to bottom : ctrl-w ctrl-v

jump to top : ctrl-w ctrl-y

set mark (for copy) : ctrl-^

cut line (or marked text) : ctrl-k

paste : ctrl-u

delete : ctrl-d

backspace : Backspace

delete : backspace (yup, you read that right, depends on your terminal settings)

wrap text : ctrl-j

search : ctrl-w

replace : (NOTE pico needs to be started with -b for this to work) ctrl-w ctrl-r

spell-check : ctrl-t (note that pico needs to be started with -s ispell for this to work), I add this line to my .profile: alias pico='pico -s ispell' so that this can be done automatically.

get cursor position - ctrl-c

insert an external file : ctrl-r

exit (will prompt to save) : ctrl-x

sort threads : $ h

delete/mark as read all messages : ; then a then a then *

General config in .pinerc:
default-fcc="{}Sent Items"


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