Monday, August 1, 2011

Things to consider after installing Linux on your box

Here are few things which you can consider after installing linux on your box:

1. Install NTP to sync up the time.
2. Install VNC server/client.
3. Install antiword, a word document reader on terminal.
4. Install wmctrl to configure/control window manager.
5. Install Adobe flash.
6. Run a cronjob to activate updatedb to "locate" linux command.
7. VPN && Softtoken installation for remote users on a dual boot system.
8. Configure ssh login without password for remote login.
9. Install google video plugin.
10. Install pidgin for webex connect, yahoo or gtalk chat. Pidgin doesn't support Voice/video chats. Use Empathy if you need Voice && Video chats aswell.
11. Skype installation
12. Coming soon......

Stuff which are more specific to me:
1. Install eenadu font. --- create a folder .fonts @your home directory ---> Go to in the fonts section download eenadu.ttf font and copy it to the .fonts folder ---> DONE.

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